she's laughing at??Lolx!

LoOk who's this!!haha..don't shy la..wakaka

me and choon yan =)

sitting there while waiting for ME..borak-borak je lahhh..what to do.haha

so 'pikk qikk' for what?LolX xD

this is what they post when I did something silly!wakaka xp

dear dear hui kien and mEEee =)

don't ask me why i'm wearing this larr..so sad =(

we are bestie!!yAhOOooo

Lolx..promoting their "derma darah kempem" i guess??
I'm homeEEeeEEeeeeEE...I finally got back to my sweet sweet home..waoHhhhhhHH...just finished dinner with my family and hErE I cOmE. =)miss them lots lots lerrrr...but is okay,I'm back now.hehe.. =p
Okay.Let me sum up about this week.It was always fantastic though.I enjoy the life in Tarc as I'm knowing lots of friend hErrREeee..wahahaha..nice uh?I meet new peoples,lectures and tutor.But some of the lecture are lamEEeeeEE..so LAME you know..just like my BS lecture and tutor,I don't know why..they often made me sleepy during their class.Thay aRe sOOOo damn boring..but I love my ME lecture,Ms Chin(she told us she's 21 year old,any one believe?LoLx!obviously NO!hahahaha..)in another side. ohhh yes,my ME tutor is soOOoo funny, you know why? The story was like that,today the girl in front me played around with her phone and the tutor saw it,he was like...
T:tutor S:girl
T: why are you playing with your camera phone?
T:wanna try your camera whether it is clear enough?
Then T post himself which is in a childish and silly posture and he's waiting for the girl to take his picture..omg!..LoL...I can't stop laughing..hahaha..you are so funny.=) too bad I can't get to take his picture.
I finally finished my BITA and IA coursework plus the presentation for HE..the next is BITA assignment,ME and BS coursework...daMmmmNNnn..Went to midvalley on Tuesday and found what I want..hehe..spending money againNNnann and thus,my pocket is EMPTY now..how saDDdd...how am I gonna survive for next week??sigh...=x whatever larrr...
HoRrayyyyYYyy..I'm going to see wan chean this Saturday..omg..so excited larrr..hope she'll winNNnn ya..=) wakaka...We'll support you always always and alway...hehe..
-class as usual
-life going the sameee =)
-fool around xD
-went Midvalley with Eugene.BOught for formal =) in addition,bought one top also.heheheeEEe.
-studied for IA course work
-tired =(
-IA coursework.(AHhhhh Heng arrr...how come the question so hard??whuhuhuhuhu...)
-skipped BS tutorial class as half of the class not going due to our EnGLish classes cancel on that that day so they decided not to go for BS..hahaha
-sleep like pig
-sTudy for BITA coursework
-BiTa coursework which started early in the morning =-='
-Be mYself again.LoLX..guess what I did again??hahaha..nolah..just play around,laugh a lot and...HAVE FUNNNNNNN!!
-and finally,I'm bacKKKKkkkk home. =)
that's all for my week..ciaoz lurrrr..