The dumbest thing I ever did. I'm regret,I'm shame for what I did yesterday night. SHIT! what I've done?sigh.The minute I woke up, I duno how to face everyone. Yesterday is just like a nightmare to me.A horrible night.I cant find any reason to forgive myself.WTH? I'm so so so sorry.....But I know a SOrry is no cure for everything.sigh!! Seriously, I m da devil yesterday. Why must I stuck here again?? I tried so hard to control and yet,dumb things happen??shittttttt!!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Day by day, am I moving?
A post about yesterday. =)
Yeap, went to the orphanage with my classmates yesterday for moral assignments. The trip was awesome. =) Cs picked me up in the very early morning...omg..I slept at 3am and he came at 7.30am...din really sleep well that night. So, we met the others at TBS, waiting for Marcell to arrived with his two pretty housemate.hahahaha...After everyone's there, we started our journey to Klang's bah kut teh..the famous food in Klang was super licious! our table can clear all the bah kut tehs man...haha...this included wei han, kee ang,me,sin ay,ken and pro in eating. XD Then chris's table was da second followed by Grace's. =) After our full breakfast, the next was the orphanage home. ermmm....kinda nervous though. This was the 1st time I went to the orphanage and I think that was a great experience. Nice to get along with those kids except one.=-='' i forget his name..he made my tears in insulting ppl.haha....but i know he dint mean to do so? i guess??Oh...and pity Sin Ay, a kid broke her watch which was given by her dad..hrmm...nevermind la..forgive da kid. =) okay okay, so forget about it. We celebrated a boy's birthday called Thomas. He's so cute.hahaha...We bought them Domino pizza for their lunch and really hope they enjoy the food,games and the birthday cake.I enjoyed as well,but it's hard to handle kids actually.=-='' hahaha!
I guess I should thank god for completing my life with a warm family,seriously, no doubt. Thanks for giving me everything that I'm having now..and..I felt so sorry for them. They should deserve something better though...sigh. God will bless them =)
So, after saying goodbye with them, we headed back to Subang. Went to Midvalley with mom and bro after that. I enjoyed once again =p shopping trip! XD bought some stuff and so on .Reach seremban ard 8 and back to my sweet home. Omg, I miss my bed alots!!...haha...that's all for yesterday. =)
Today is another different day. I wanna become the devil,may i?? XD
Pictures Of the week :
Yeap, went to the orphanage with my classmates yesterday for moral assignments. The trip was awesome. =) Cs picked me up in the very early morning...omg..I slept at 3am and he came at 7.30am...din really sleep well that night. So, we met the others at TBS, waiting for Marcell to arrived with his two pretty housemate.hahahaha...After everyone's there, we started our journey to Klang's bah kut teh..the famous food in Klang was super licious! our table can clear all the bah kut tehs man...haha...this included wei han, kee ang,me,sin ay,ken and pro in eating. XD Then chris's table was da second followed by Grace's. =) After our full breakfast, the next was the orphanage home. ermmm....kinda nervous though. This was the 1st time I went to the orphanage and I think that was a great experience. Nice to get along with those kids except one.=-='' i forget his name..he made my tears in insulting ppl.haha....but i know he dint mean to do so? i guess??Oh...and pity Sin Ay, a kid broke her watch which was given by her dad..hrmm...nevermind la..forgive da kid. =) okay okay, so forget about it. We celebrated a boy's birthday called Thomas. He's so cute.hahaha...We bought them Domino pizza for their lunch and really hope they enjoy the food,games and the birthday cake.I enjoyed as well,but it's hard to handle kids actually.=-='' hahaha!
I guess I should thank god for completing my life with a warm family,seriously, no doubt. Thanks for giving me everything that I'm having now..and..I felt so sorry for them. They should deserve something better though...sigh. God will bless them =)
So, after saying goodbye with them, we headed back to Subang. Went to Midvalley with mom and bro after that. I enjoyed once again =p shopping trip! XD bought some stuff and so on .Reach seremban ard 8 and back to my sweet home. Omg, I miss my bed alots!!...haha...that's all for yesterday. =)
Today is another different day. I wanna become the devil,may i?? XD
Pictures Of the week :
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Happenings =)
I'm posting now.wahahahaha...finally?? I'm lazy, seriously I am.LOLx...and busy with stuff? Yeah. My life's great,how about you? =) There are ups and downs,but I still can handle. =) proud nehhhh....wahahahaha!!
Nowadays are getting busier yet contented. ehhemmmm...should be more serious in this sem, play less and work more and more...ermmmm...but it seems to be the same for me..lolx...okay, I will be more serious now. I'm serious XD yes, I am...Sriously, my mind is blank now, don't know what to write and I don't feel like writting much...hahaha...So, I'll just up load some pics =D
I'm posting now.wahahahaha...finally?? I'm lazy, seriously I am.LOLx...and busy with stuff? Yeah. My life's great,how about you? =) There are ups and downs,but I still can handle. =) proud nehhhh....wahahahaha!!
Nowadays are getting busier yet contented. ehhemmmm...should be more serious in this sem, play less and work more and more...ermmmm...but it seems to be the same for me..lolx...okay, I will be more serious now. I'm serious XD yes, I am...Sriously, my mind is blank now, don't know what to write and I don't feel like writting much...hahaha...So, I'll just up load some pics =D
Happenings + SS pics
Lastly, I love my life. No matter there are how many obstacle, just do it ! =)
PLUS, I don't like people commenting about what I'm doing i guess? I mean, I know excatly what I'm doing now, I got my life, what I did doesn't mean I putting down, so?
Mind your own business lorhhh....hahaha...I m not pointing on people, they should know =)
That's all from me =)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Blogging like a blank piece of paper.What I suppose to say?hrmmmmmm...
Sigh, don't know why nowadays everyone seems to be so emo. Is emo a bad thing actually? When I'm emo enough, I'll just keep my mouth shut, seriously don't know how to express the thoughts that crossing in my mind. I feel like finding someone to talk, but at the end I'll just hold it cause I may think, will they think I'm annoying if i keep finding them? ishhh..... I can't solve by my own, or, perhaps I just need someone to listen to me,the one who can be trusted,can even read my mind completely. My feelings are complicated, and ofcourse I wish to spilt out but just fail to do so cause I just don't feel it right.aikssssss....The same thing happened again and again, after all, I'm still so useless,why? I tried so hard to carry a step forward, repeat the same thing again and again, kept remind myself to be more tough and strong ,won't be so emotional,just be the kind one. BUt, i failed. holly shit! I can't control what's inside me. i don't want to ruin something that I treasure alot. I just want it to become apart of my memory.sigh.It's really difficult...I din mean to be rude, I just wanna pretend, hiding the feelings that suppose not to be shown, i wanna be happy,just wanna be happy.
Anyway, I'm glad to have those people around friends,classmates,nice people....they brighten up my day. Thanks. =) This week was the second week for sem3.hrmmmm...kinda free though =p hanged out with a bunch of friends as usual. college life what...i think it should be like that. =) Me, still the noisy me =p. OKay,got something I really don't un why, why guys "gap leng lui" is normal but why girls "gap leng zai" then ppl will say da girl fatt hao or 38 ar? seriously, I don't un. This is so unfair,guys got the right to watch pretty girls but why girls can't? babi, I don't care. i LOVE to watch "pretty" ppl ar, blow ar? =p Sorry for using broken english and be rude here.hahahaha...TBS got many, but all can watch can not eat d..LoLx!! XD
朋友,前面还有很长远的路,无论它是凹凸不平的,还是平坦顺畅,还是希望你能坚强地走下去。如果累了,就停下来休息吧!因为休息是为了走更长远的路。=) 也许没有人会明白你的痛,但我看见了你的无奈。希望你能抛开过去的伤痛,再次勇敢地走向未来。无论如何,我还是会在你的身边不断地为你加油打气! =)还记得以前你给过我的鼓励,让我走过人生的低潮,那,现在就换我做你的啦啦队,好吗?
deng deng deng~~ ss pic for the week XD

da way to pyramid =p in chris's car
*peace =D
that's all for today. ciao lurrrrr....zZZzzzZZZzzZZZ
Sigh, don't know why nowadays everyone seems to be so emo. Is emo a bad thing actually? When I'm emo enough, I'll just keep my mouth shut, seriously don't know how to express the thoughts that crossing in my mind. I feel like finding someone to talk, but at the end I'll just hold it cause I may think, will they think I'm annoying if i keep finding them? ishhh..... I can't solve by my own, or, perhaps I just need someone to listen to me,the one who can be trusted,can even read my mind completely. My feelings are complicated, and ofcourse I wish to spilt out but just fail to do so cause I just don't feel it right.aikssssss....The same thing happened again and again, after all, I'm still so useless,why? I tried so hard to carry a step forward, repeat the same thing again and again, kept remind myself to be more tough and strong ,won't be so emotional,just be the kind one. BUt, i failed. holly shit! I can't control what's inside me. i don't want to ruin something that I treasure alot. I just want it to become apart of my memory.sigh.It's really difficult...I din mean to be rude, I just wanna pretend, hiding the feelings that suppose not to be shown, i wanna be happy,just wanna be happy.
Anyway, I'm glad to have those people around friends,classmates,nice people....they brighten up my day. Thanks. =) This week was the second week for sem3.hrmmmm...kinda free though =p hanged out with a bunch of friends as usual. college life what...i think it should be like that. =) Me, still the noisy me =p. OKay,got something I really don't un why, why guys "gap leng lui" is normal but why girls "gap leng zai" then ppl will say da girl fatt hao or 38 ar? seriously, I don't un. This is so unfair,guys got the right to watch pretty girls but why girls can't? babi, I don't care. i LOVE to watch "pretty" ppl ar, blow ar? =p Sorry for using broken english and be rude here.hahahaha...TBS got many, but all can watch can not eat d..LoLx!! XD
deng deng deng~~ ss pic for the week XD
da way to pyramid =p in chris's car
*peace =D
that's all for today. ciao lurrrrr....zZZzzzZZZzzZZZ
Can I come in?
不知道为什么,难道是我自己的问题吗?为什么每次见到你都会那么的尴尬。就觉得一切都好像不太自然。我知道,都是我心理作祟。我的自尊心就是那么的强,因为我觉得超尴尬。难道就不能好像以前酱吗?今天,真的真的很奇怪,你明明只是坐在我的面前,为什么我觉得你好像离我越来越远呢?很想跟你讲话可是却开不了口。这就是我,爱脸的我。=-='' 我很想很想回到从前,但确实有些东西都已经改变了。
我累了,真的很累。。。很想停下来想一想,还可以坚持下去吗?那,我下一步又该怎样呢?曾经,我有试着很努力地走进你的心里但还是走不进。我已经站在门口了,又如何?你还是不把门打开。。哈哈。。想起来还真好笑。。。明明知道有些东西是不可以勉强的,还是要去试试看会不会有奇迹出现。。。有些东西,无论你再努力,再坚强都好,没有,就是没有。以为真的会偶像剧那样?发梦都没酱早啦。。。现实就是现实。所以,现在的我死心了吗?放弃了吗?连我自己都不知道。我不想在你面前伪装,=-='' 不知道怎样解释,就是不能在你面前认输酱的感觉。我就是这样,这样就是我 >.< 如果我是你肚子里的那条虫不是好咯。。。我真的很想知道你在想些什么,难道真的是没有人能够走进你的世界吗?也许,那个永远都不会是我吧。。。
不知道为什么,难道是我自己的问题吗?为什么每次见到你都会那么的尴尬。就觉得一切都好像不太自然。我知道,都是我心理作祟。我的自尊心就是那么的强,因为我觉得超尴尬。难道就不能好像以前酱吗?今天,真的真的很奇怪,你明明只是坐在我的面前,为什么我觉得你好像离我越来越远呢?很想跟你讲话可是却开不了口。这就是我,爱脸的我。=-='' 我很想很想回到从前,但确实有些东西都已经改变了。
我累了,真的很累。。。很想停下来想一想,还可以坚持下去吗?那,我下一步又该怎样呢?曾经,我有试着很努力地走进你的心里但还是走不进。我已经站在门口了,又如何?你还是不把门打开。。哈哈。。想起来还真好笑。。。明明知道有些东西是不可以勉强的,还是要去试试看会不会有奇迹出现。。。有些东西,无论你再努力,再坚强都好,没有,就是没有。以为真的会偶像剧那样?发梦都没酱早啦。。。现实就是现实。所以,现在的我死心了吗?放弃了吗?连我自己都不知道。我不想在你面前伪装,=-='' 不知道怎样解释,就是不能在你面前认输酱的感觉。我就是这样,这样就是我 >.< 如果我是你肚子里的那条虫不是好咯。。。我真的很想知道你在想些什么,难道真的是没有人能够走进你的世界吗?也许,那个永远都不会是我吧。。。
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Hopes fading,Mind turn round and round.
the words i can't express >.<''
Today was bad,so bad. Luckily, they brighten up my day. =) thanks guys!. XD Although they're younger but i'm da youngest! =p okay okay,get what I mean?LoLx! Went back to Seremban after BST. It was really sucks. I don't think statistic is gonna be nice to the lecturer,shit larhhh....I don't un what she's talking about.sighhhhh! this sem will be tough i know but I'm kinda excited because I'm going to uni afta this.wahahaha...
Time flies, flash back to Jan, I enrolled to taylor alone and I missed out the orientation week. Omg, that's da hardest time. Everything have to start from zero,til now, I'm not alone anymore. =) I should thankgod cause I get to meet those "interesting" people. I love being with them though. =) hahaha...we love "blowing water" so much. This has became apart of my hobby too =p....okay, 8poh den 8 poh what?? actually, taylor got many 8poh 8 gong de lo.hahahaha...XD don't kill me plzzzz =p
Today's lecture sucks =) but today's people nice.ehhem ehhem...i just spot one. not bad not bad...LoLx! *jokingggggggggg! >.< but really not bad geh lo. sei wailing, u still owe me an intro!!hahahahahahaha... sorry, although I haven reach da "celery" stage,just below that larh.haha
Things is gonna change, sooner or later? who knows.
the words i can't express >.<''
Today was bad,so bad. Luckily, they brighten up my day. =) thanks guys!. XD Although they're younger but i'm da youngest! =p okay okay,get what I mean?LoLx! Went back to Seremban after BST. It was really sucks. I don't think statistic is gonna be nice to the lecturer,shit larhhh....I don't un what she's talking about.sighhhhh! this sem will be tough i know but I'm kinda excited because I'm going to uni afta this.wahahaha...
Time flies, flash back to Jan, I enrolled to taylor alone and I missed out the orientation week. Omg, that's da hardest time. Everything have to start from zero,til now, I'm not alone anymore. =) I should thankgod cause I get to meet those "interesting" people. I love being with them though. =) hahaha...we love "blowing water" so much. This has became apart of my hobby too =p....okay, 8poh den 8 poh what?? actually, taylor got many 8poh 8 gong de lo.hahahaha...XD don't kill me plzzzz =p
Today's lecture sucks =) but today's people nice.ehhem ehhem...i just spot one. not bad not bad...LoLx! *jokingggggggggg! >.< but really not bad geh lo. sei wailing, u still owe me an intro!!hahahahahahaha... sorry, although I haven reach da "celery" stage,just below that larh.haha
Things is gonna change, sooner or later? who knows.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A very late post. =)
Finally, sem 3 had begin. woOOOOooooHooooooOOoooo!!miss all my college's friends.Too bad from Monday til now I still haven meet all of them.LoLx..kay, it's my fault. I skipped today's,feel abit of guilty now...hrmmmmmm =p
OKay, nvm. 6 more hours I'm gonna see Nalira and Ms Hilda, still da same faces. I miss my class so much.Wondering how their looks now....hahahaha...
Talked about this few days, went pyramid and 1u with tan Pig Face for makan plus shopping!!, I'm very broke now. =p...hopefully I can still survive til end of this month.god bless me plz? >.< bought this bought that.. wtf? how can I save money?? LoLx!! Anyway, I'm happy.So happy =) enjoying this week then the following weeks will be back to usual again. what summore? classes?lectures?assignments? alahhh...this was coll's dumb dumb life. nvm nvm. I like it though. XD Things doesn't change much. I'm still so not moving?wtfwtfwtfwtf! okay, perhaps, I've tried. Tried so so hard,but I'm still a failure. or mayb my brain is so noob shit, noob til I got no idea how am I gonna go through this??? noob noob noob! =D should end this post liao's late.nolah...later got class.hahaha...
Pictures then,
noob pics =D
Finally, sem 3 had begin. woOOOOooooHooooooOOoooo!!miss all my college's friends.Too bad from Monday til now I still haven meet all of them.LoLx..kay, it's my fault. I skipped today's,feel abit of guilty now...hrmmmmmm =p
OKay, nvm. 6 more hours I'm gonna see Nalira and Ms Hilda, still da same faces. I miss my class so much.Wondering how their looks now....hahahaha...
Talked about this few days, went pyramid and 1u with tan Pig Face for makan plus shopping!!, I'm very broke now. =p...hopefully I can still survive til end of this month.god bless me plz? >.< bought this bought that.. wtf? how can I save money?? LoLx!! Anyway, I'm happy.So happy =) enjoying this week then the following weeks will be back to usual again. what summore? classes?lectures?assignments? alahhh...this was coll's dumb dumb life. nvm nvm. I like it though. XD Things doesn't change much. I'm still so not moving?wtfwtfwtfwtf! okay, perhaps, I've tried. Tried so so hard,but I'm still a failure. or mayb my brain is so noob shit, noob til I got no idea how am I gonna go through this??? noob noob noob! =D should end this post liao's late.nolah...later got class.hahaha...
Pictures then,
noob pics =D
steamboat buffet at Seoul Garden =)
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