Blogging like a blank piece of paper.What I suppose to say?hrmmmmmm...
Sigh, don't know why nowadays everyone seems to be so emo. Is emo a bad thing actually? When I'm emo enough, I'll just keep my mouth shut, seriously don't know how to express the thoughts that crossing in my mind. I feel like finding someone to talk, but at the end I'll just hold it cause I may think, will they think I'm annoying if i keep finding them? ishhh..... I can't solve by my own, or, perhaps I just need someone to listen to me,the one who can be trusted,can even read my mind completely. My feelings are complicated, and ofcourse I wish to spilt out but just fail to do so cause I just don't feel it right.aikssssss....The same thing happened again and again, after all, I'm still so useless,why? I tried so hard to carry a step forward, repeat the same thing again and again, kept remind myself to be more tough and strong ,won't be so emotional,just be the kind one. BUt, i failed. holly shit! I can't control what's inside me. i don't want to ruin something that I treasure alot. I just want it to become apart of my memory.sigh.It's really difficult...I din mean to be rude, I just wanna pretend, hiding the feelings that suppose not to be shown, i wanna be happy,just wanna be happy.
Anyway, I'm glad to have those people around friends,classmates,nice people....they brighten up my day. Thanks. =) This week was the second week for sem3.hrmmmm...kinda free though =p hanged out with a bunch of friends as usual. college life what...i think it should be like that. =) Me, still the noisy me =p. OKay,got something I really don't un why, why guys "gap leng lui" is normal but why girls "gap leng zai" then ppl will say da girl fatt hao or 38 ar? seriously, I don't un. This is so unfair,guys got the right to watch pretty girls but why girls can't? babi, I don't care. i LOVE to watch "pretty" ppl ar, blow ar? =p Sorry for using broken english and be rude here.hahahaha...TBS got many, but all can watch can not eat d..LoLx!! XD
朋友,前面还有很长远的路,无论它是凹凸不平的,还是平坦顺畅,还是希望你能坚强地走下去。如果累了,就停下来休息吧!因为休息是为了走更长远的路。=) 也许没有人会明白你的痛,但我看见了你的无奈。希望你能抛开过去的伤痛,再次勇敢地走向未来。无论如何,我还是会在你的身边不断地为你加油打气! =)还记得以前你给过我的鼓励,让我走过人生的低潮,那,现在就换我做你的啦啦队,好吗?
deng deng deng~~ ss pic for the week XD

da way to pyramid =p in chris's car
*peace =D
that's all for today. ciao lurrrrr....zZZzzzZZZzzZZZ
Sigh, don't know why nowadays everyone seems to be so emo. Is emo a bad thing actually? When I'm emo enough, I'll just keep my mouth shut, seriously don't know how to express the thoughts that crossing in my mind. I feel like finding someone to talk, but at the end I'll just hold it cause I may think, will they think I'm annoying if i keep finding them? ishhh..... I can't solve by my own, or, perhaps I just need someone to listen to me,the one who can be trusted,can even read my mind completely. My feelings are complicated, and ofcourse I wish to spilt out but just fail to do so cause I just don't feel it right.aikssssss....The same thing happened again and again, after all, I'm still so useless,why? I tried so hard to carry a step forward, repeat the same thing again and again, kept remind myself to be more tough and strong ,won't be so emotional,just be the kind one. BUt, i failed. holly shit! I can't control what's inside me. i don't want to ruin something that I treasure alot. I just want it to become apart of my memory.sigh.It's really difficult...I din mean to be rude, I just wanna pretend, hiding the feelings that suppose not to be shown, i wanna be happy,just wanna be happy.
Anyway, I'm glad to have those people around friends,classmates,nice people....they brighten up my day. Thanks. =) This week was the second week for sem3.hrmmmm...kinda free though =p hanged out with a bunch of friends as usual. college life what...i think it should be like that. =) Me, still the noisy me =p. OKay,got something I really don't un why, why guys "gap leng lui" is normal but why girls "gap leng zai" then ppl will say da girl fatt hao or 38 ar? seriously, I don't un. This is so unfair,guys got the right to watch pretty girls but why girls can't? babi, I don't care. i LOVE to watch "pretty" ppl ar, blow ar? =p Sorry for using broken english and be rude here.hahahaha...TBS got many, but all can watch can not eat d..LoLx!! XD
deng deng deng~~ ss pic for the week XD
da way to pyramid =p in chris's car
*peace =D
that's all for today. ciao lurrrrr....zZZzzzZZZzzZZZ
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