Tuesday, September 6, 2011


crapped by xiaoern at 12:19 AM
Feel sorry to my bloggie, it's been ages since I've left it death. very death?

Before I leave Malaysia, I promise to make my blog alive. :) Speaking of leaving, yeah, there's still 5 more days to go and I will be in Bristol,UK. I am kinda looking forward to start a new life there. Sometimes, I am too excited to go until I can't wait to leave in the next day. But, sometimes people around reminds me of my footprints in Malaysia. No matter sweet or bitter, memories are always kept in my heart. 

I wish to meet everyone before I ciao, especially my sister. If you're reading this, just wanna  tell you that I miss you so so much. Don't feel helpless, because no one can help me except myself to get over all these. God is giving me an exam, which made me to be tougher and I will try my best to score A. Perhaps there's still something I hardly get over now, yet I will make it ONLY NOW, but not stopping me to move further. Thanks for being with me all the time whenever I fall down. This time, I will walk by my own, I wanna be the strongest girl and make you feel proud of me alrite? I cried every time I dropped, but at least after my tears dried I will be able to stand up, so does this time. :)
Trust me, I can do it. 谢谢你,让我知道我不是一个人。

Leaving is the hardest decision I've ever made. I wish it doesn't makes me regret in my future and I know it won't.  Perhaps, the reason for being so excited is that I could escape? tho it sounds like I'm lying to myself but just for this moment, please, I wanna go.

This post should be a happy post but it sounds abit emo nao. hrmmm...okay, the next post I promise will be a happy one. I will always keep this blog alive when I'm in UK. 

Stay tuned!  :D


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