Hello look's who is this! :)
Listen to whateverrrr i want to tell you.
Seriously, from the bottom from my heart.
All of it.
Something i wanna tell you since 15453532 years ago
but i always missed the chance out, always running out of time.
but i always missed the chance out, always running out of time.
But, now, i'm here!
I know this week you went through hellotsa things bcs of him, college, family, friends and mean mean people around you but you have to be really really strong and have courage in yourself. Dear, the fight is not yet over and so keep on fighting and never ever give up. No matter in love, studies, your treatment, friends or family :) It's your final battle. After this, you can overcome anything. But bear something in mind. You just need to be strong and stand still on the ground, with your extremely stable feets :) Your life is not yet over. You're going to win this; you'll get better as time goes on. Never give up though you move through the pain, the suffering and the sickness; you'll make it out. You'll be alright, just stay strong.
I know whenever my cell starts to ring, i know you're feeling frustrated, cold and alone, losing everything which surrounds you. I know i know. I've been through feelings like that too. Life is pain i know. Darkness awaits you sometimes no matter you wish it comes to you/not. However, you must stay strong, bite your tongue, and move on. Life will be hard at times but look inside yourself and find the strength, hold you head high and hold on. This isnt the end of your journey :) and i know sometimes when you call me, i'm feeling really really sleepy but trust me, i paid fully attention with everything you said to me. EVERYTHING :)
I know sometimes you crying in the darkness and no one caring calling out, no one answering your wishes, no one just wanting to get along your ways or when you wondering do you actually belongs here with tears in eyes, or when you walking around trying to find a friend, or when you feel like getting angry or shout at some certain bitch but you controlled yourself just because i asked you to. I know it is real hard but this is life. Nevermind being heard bad words being whispered to you before because they're just trying to make you feel weak and make your temper up. They're all losers! You're still a human and all you need is just care&love from someone you really wish to but things are always not moving like what you expected. We need to fight to get something in order for us to appreciate it more what, no? You need what other humans need too. Just remember, you still have someone though whole world let you down :)
Heh, i love you.