Monday, December 5, 2011

crapped by xiaoern at 8:06 AM
Hello bloggie, it's been such a long time I did not feel so stress over studies, perhaps I'm over enjoying my holidays and in the previous days I've been slacking like I'm living in heaven. OMG, tell me how to cope with my assignments and studies?  Mummy and papa will always repeat the same old thing when I skype-ed with them, "girl, you better study hard, don't waste our money and effort working so hard for you.". As the eldest at home, yes, I should work hard and make my parents feel proud of me and feel worth it sending me here. Yeah, and I am trying my best now, assignments is the first thing that came in to my head when I open my eyes in the morning/afternoon these few days, I was surprised cause this is so not me, the moment when I open my eyes , studies is the first thing that pop in to my mind, funny right? haha. Somehow, I am motivated to turn my assignment mode on, lol? Perhaps, this is the last last year for me to work hard on my studies, final year is really a hectic year to score good grades. 


KXE, stop blabbing  here and get back to work. sigh, still got lots to go, and I feel better now. Sadly, I guess all of my friends are sleeping now and I got no one to talk to. That's the reason why I am here. FML >.<


oh yea right, unless i finish AMA :( 

buhbye blog. Thankyou bloggie <3 


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