Thursday, December 1, 2011


crapped by xiaoern at 7:39 AM
I'm bloated *burppppp! :D

Guess what's I'm listening? 你不在- 王力宏 , you're not here. nice song though, I like one of the lyrics in this song, 你不在,高兴还是悲哀?, 我受了伤再偷偷好起来。This suits me now, yes, I'm on my way of recovering , it's a good thing that I feel happy for myself. It's like, finally? :) tho it's not 100%  yet I know I am trying my best. Sis, you should be proud of me right? Thanks for accompanying me all the way here, gave me supports even the whole world thinks what I did doesn't make sense. Somehow, I never regret for every decision I made tho the outcome is not what I expected. 

我会好好地 :) <3


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