Monday, May 28, 2012


crapped by xiaoern at 2:11 AM 0 comments
终于,我在英国的生活就要结束了。时间过得真快啊,这么快就要回家了。回到去原本属于我的生活。这段时间,虽然发生了好多事,也学会了很多,朋友们都对我很好。在这里,我学会了真正的独立,如何去面对应该面对的问题。我,应该是长大了吧! 不再是那个有什么问题都需要姐姐的妹妹。在放假的这段期间,我决定要好好利用,改变自己,带着一个更好的自己会去马来西亚。


再见了。 :)

Monday, January 30, 2012


crapped by xiaoern at 5:03 AM 0 comments
结束了过去,仿佛觉得更加轻松了。 没有什么感情上的烦恼,约束 和困扰。有些朋友曾经鼓励我去寻找下一个,但觉得现在的自己,好像没有对谁有什么兴趣,而且还会觉得很麻烦。


Monday, December 5, 2011

crapped by xiaoern at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Hello bloggie, it's been such a long time I did not feel so stress over studies, perhaps I'm over enjoying my holidays and in the previous days I've been slacking like I'm living in heaven. OMG, tell me how to cope with my assignments and studies?  Mummy and papa will always repeat the same old thing when I skype-ed with them, "girl, you better study hard, don't waste our money and effort working so hard for you.". As the eldest at home, yes, I should work hard and make my parents feel proud of me and feel worth it sending me here. Yeah, and I am trying my best now, assignments is the first thing that came in to my head when I open my eyes in the morning/afternoon these few days, I was surprised cause this is so not me, the moment when I open my eyes , studies is the first thing that pop in to my mind, funny right? haha. Somehow, I am motivated to turn my assignment mode on, lol? Perhaps, this is the last last year for me to work hard on my studies, final year is really a hectic year to score good grades. 


KXE, stop blabbing  here and get back to work. sigh, still got lots to go, and I feel better now. Sadly, I guess all of my friends are sleeping now and I got no one to talk to. That's the reason why I am here. FML >.<


oh yea right, unless i finish AMA :( 

buhbye blog. Thankyou bloggie <3 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

張韶涵 - 亲爱的,那不是爱情 ( KTV )

crapped by xiaoern at 9:25 AM 0 comments

Song of the night. :)


crapped by xiaoern at 7:39 AM 0 comments
I'm bloated *burppppp! :D

Guess what's I'm listening? 你不在- 王力宏 , you're not here. nice song though, I like one of the lyrics in this song, 你不在,高兴还是悲哀?, 我受了伤再偷偷好起来。This suits me now, yes, I'm on my way of recovering , it's a good thing that I feel happy for myself. It's like, finally? :) tho it's not 100%  yet I know I am trying my best. Sis, you should be proud of me right? Thanks for accompanying me all the way here, gave me supports even the whole world thinks what I did doesn't make sense. Somehow, I never regret for every decision I made tho the outcome is not what I expected. 

我会好好地 :) <3

Sunday, November 27, 2011


crapped by xiaoern at 2:13 AM 0 comments



我,要为自己而活。 :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011


crapped by xiaoern at 8:35 AM 0 comments


再习惯就好啦!晓恩,你可以的。 :)

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